Ferran Adrià: Notes on Creativity

One of the most well-known trailblazers in molecular gastronomy is chef Ferran Adrià.  Chef Adriá is the genius behind ElBulli, which earned 3 Michelin stars and was one of the best restaurants in the world before it closed in 2011.  Interestingly, it will reopen in 2015 as a creativity center.

The executive director of The Drawing Center, in NYC, was so impressed with the dining experience at ElBulli, that when he came across the information that Chef Adriá used drawings to work out the “immense body of technical knowledge required to generate a constant stream of ambitious new dishes,” he reached out to him and eventually created the exhibition Ferran Adrià: Notes on Creativity.

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Ferran Adrià Plating Diagram, circa 2000-2004. Colored pen on graph paper.

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Ferran Adrià, Food DNA Diagram, 2013. Colored pencil and graphite on paper.

You can view more of these etchings here and here.

The show runs in New York City from January 25, February 28, 2014.  It will also be exhibited in Los Angeles, CA, May 4 - July 31, 2014, followed by Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland, OH, September 26, 2014 - January 18, 2015; Minneapolis Institute of Art, MN, Sept 17, 2015 - January 3, 2016; and Marres House for Contemporary Culture, Maastricht, The Netherlands, March 20 - June 12, 2016.